If you are going on the vacation you need to let everybody know who matter most to your business and life. You will be away for the certain period of time so that they can expect your reply. Otherwise, they might get frustrated with no reply at all otherwise. While you are not available you can set Gmail to auto reply with vacation responder feature.
How to set Gmail to auto reply
1 – Go to the setting icon on the top right corner in the Gmail
2 – Select the setting option from the given menu.
3 – Now you need to click on the General tab.
4 – Scroll down and find “Vacation responder“.
5 – Now you need to choose “Vacation responder on”option.
6 – Now you need to type subject and message that you want to drop. If possible you can let everybody know when you will back to the business and in the case of emergency what they can do.
7 – Select the start day as your first date. check the last day option and choose a date from when to stop auto sending email.
8 – In case you want to send this automatic reply to the people in your contact then check the last box which says “Only send a response to people in my Contacts“.
9 – Click on Save Changes to apply this feature.
So, friends, this is how you can set Gmail on auto reply when you are on leave.
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