Interviews may seem like a scary and terrifying ordeal, but they can mean something if you are confident and know how to handle people. Even if you are not, do check some of these typical job interview questions and answers to buckle up for the next upcoming one! So today we’ll see Top 6 most common job interview questions and answer.
Common job interview questions and answers
Table of Contents
Question 1: Introduce yourself or Tell me something about yourself
This is the first question that you will most likely be asked when you are being interviewed. Although the company would have your job resume or CV, they would be interested to know more about you and what defines you as an individual. This is also asked by interviewers to understand how you work and get along with people, and if your personality is adequate for the job.
How to answer:
Try to stay a bit casual and informal when this question is directed to you. Answer by putting forth the most exciting things about you and avoid minor and non-interesting details such as the details of the primary school you went to as a kid. Try to shed a bit light on your background in that particular domain as well, for which you are working.
Question 2: Why do you think that you would be a best for this job?
Yes, the organization may want to know how confident you are about the whole thing. They would want to see if you think that your skills are made for them and if you can handle the work pressure. Try not to feel anxious while answering this; you may want to feel and look fully confident while explaining this. Also, be realistic and don’t fabricate your skills.
How to answer:
Tell them all about your related skills and expertise starting from the ones you are most proud of and make sure not to be braggy about it. Let them know that you respect deadlines and avoid fuss and office politics and such. Let them know that you are passionate and not just doing it for the buck.
Question 3: What is your greatest strength?
This question may look similar to the last question, but trust us, it tells the organization how they would benefit from your services you offer and to what extent. You don’t have to present a total out of the league strength, try to keep it more believable. But, at the same time, it wouldn’t hurt to be a little more creative when it comes to representing your skill.
How to answer:
You should make sure to present that strength which benefits the firm. Saying that you are an excellent cook to a technical organization would get you raised eyebrows and a tag of being total nonsense. Strengths like: I am a hard worker, or I know the depths of this particular domain (provided it related to what you are applying for) are some good things to say. Sometimes, demonstrating a strength may be a good idea and may also be necessary to portray in some cases. For example, you may need to show excellent communication skills with the interviewer, if you say that your biggest strength is your good verbal communication.
Question 4: What is your biggest weakness?
The exact opposite of the question above, the company may be interested in knowing your weak point. Well, don’t panic since no human is perfect and we all have our flaws. The company wants to know so that they can get a rough idea of what to expect in the upcoming future, in case you are hired.
How to answer:
Stay calm and cool. Make sure to keep it petite but don’t lie too. If you are a person who gets stressed out too early and can’t work anymore, you should tell them you occasionally get stressed when there are a lot of workloads instead of stating the same. Remember that it is only a play on words that would help you succeed in an interview. Also, don’t say that you don’t have any weaknesses as the interviewer would have a tough time believing that, and you may be rejected just on this basis.
Question 5: How much salary do you expect?
Yes, this may seem simple but is not. You should remember that this question is posed to see if an employee has realistic expectations, he has background knowledge about the company and his role and is willing to work with the salary given to him each month. Don’t try to dodge the question or say that anything works as that may count negatively against you.
How to answer:
Make sure to have thorough background knowledge about the appropriate salary of a similar employee with the same job. Also be sure not to overprice yourself as that would significantly reduce the chances of being selected especially in a growing company. Underpricing your self will even come across as you being cheap and unworthy. Don’t say “I don’t know yet” or something like that when this question poses to you; you must seem like you did your homework.
Question 6: Describe a difficult situation in which you overcame the challenging job.
The interviewer may be very interested to know how you cope with challenges and hence, may put this question forward. He may be willing to know about your potential leadership and the role you may play in case a crisis comes up. You don’t need to be the main hero to state this one, mention how you contributed to saving a company or something from disaster.
How to answer:
Don’t make a false story, in fact, prepare in advance the kind of incident that made you show your potential side. Be detailed about the whole thing and don’t brag about anything too. Just make sure that nothing seems fabricated, and that you made sure that the problem solved in the end.
Don’t panic when it comes to an interview! Just be yourself and represent yourself more naturally and be the best version of yourself. Don’t lie straight up and always remember to keep a smiley face!
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