You may have separate Skype account for business, job, and personal use. So in case you want to switch one account to another account then you will have to log out and log in. But friends you do not need to worry, If you have more than one Skype account then you can log in multiple Skype account at the same time.
How to log in multiple Skype account
Press Windows and R key on your keyboard.
You will get small run windows open.
Here you need to type %programfiles(x86)%/skype/phone/ the click OK.
now right click on the Skype then mouse hover on Sent to and click on the Desktop(create shortcut)
Now Go to desktop and find the Skype Shortcut.
You need to right-click on Skype shortcut and then click on the Properties.
Now you need to click on the Shortcut tab and then click on the Target box.
Type /Secondary giving one space right after “C:\Program Files (x86)\skype\phone\Skype.exe” .
Then click on Apply and OK on the bottom.
Now you will be able to log in another Skype account every time you click on the Skype shortcut on the desktop.
So, friends, this was how you can log in multiple Skype account at the same time. I hope this article was helpful. Let me know your feedback on your comment in below comment box.
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