How to pin the Windows app to the taskbar and start menu

If there are some apps that you frequently access on your Windows computer, then you can just pin the Windows app to the taskbar or on the start menu. So that you do not need to do windows search every time.

You can just open that pinned app in one click and whenever you need to open the application, you just need to click from the taskbar.

How to pin the Windows app to the taskbar

The first thing you need to do is to search the app from the Windows search.

Once you see the app in the search result right click on that app.

Now either you can choose to pin to start menu or pin to taskbar.


As pin to taskbar will be easier to have the quick access to the app you can click on Pin to taskbar.

Similarly, you can also choose any app from the desktop and right click to pin it to the taskbar.


You can also choose to pin the windows app to taskbar after the application is open.


So, friends, I hope this post will be helpful. if you have any other concern please let me know in the comment box.

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